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What is Cultural Marxism? with Dr. Andrew Sandlin

Context: The Apologist Podcast
Speaker: Steven R. Martins and Dr. Andrew Sandlin
Language: English

The terms “Cultural Marxism”, “Social Justice”, and “Woke” have been dropped on previous episodes of The Apologist podcast, but the occasions did not allow us to go into depth on what these terms actually mean. As part of a much larger discussion, cultural theologian Dr. Andrew Sandlin joins us to kick off our exploration of the definition, development, and history of the present-day cultural Marxist movement. As Christians called to engage the culture with a distinctly biblical apologetic (1 Pet. 3:15), we need to be aware of that rampant ideology which has taken an iron-hold grip of our Western society if we hope to respond with a biblically faithful and culturally relevant witness.