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Towards a Christian Understanding: The Pursuit of a Christian Philosophy

By Steven R. Martins

ISBN: 978-1990771033
Product Type: Book
Pages: 120
Publish Date: August 1 2022
Topics: Philosophy, Worldview


Is there such a thing as a Christian philosophy? Can there be a theoretical enterprise untainted by unbelieving thought and pagan syntheses? And why would such a philosophy prove integral to Christian thought and life? In this compact book, Cántaro Institute director Steven R. Martins introduces us to a distinctly Christian philosophical discipline and the Dutch polymath Herman Dooyeweerd credited with its development. Towards a Christian Understanding is a primer and first step towards exploring this discipline of the disciplines from a robust Christian worldview, and a challenge for every believer to pursue this Christian philosophy.


Steven R. Martins is a Christian thinker and writer, founding director of the Cántaro Institute and founding pastor of Sevilla Chapel in St. Catharines, ON. He has worked in the fields of missional apologetics and church leadership for ten years and has spoken at numerous conferences, churches, and University student events. He has also contributed articles to Coalición por el Evangelio (TGC in Spanish) and the Siglo XXI journal of Editorial CLIR. Steven holds a Master’s degree summa cum laude in Theological Studies with a focus on Christian apologetics from Veritas International University (Santa Ana, CA., USA) and a Bachelor of Human Resource Management from York University (Toronto, ON., Canada). Steven is married to Cindy and they live in Lincoln, Ontario, with their sons Matthias, Timothy, and Nehemías.

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“This book is a wonderful invitation to a rediscovery not only of philosophy as a discipline but of a way of seeing the world. Distinctly Christian in his approach, and personal in his content, Martins shows us the scope of God’s creative and redemptive powers when it comes to our understanding of the created order. Martins introduces the Dutch philosopher Herman Dooyeweerd in a way that invites us to an integrated perspective, describing the implications of his ideas to all aspects of life, such as the sciences, culture and our practical living. I highly recommend this book.”

Josué Reichow
L’Abri Fellowship (UK)
Author of Reform Your Mind

Towards a Christian Understanding: The Pursuit of a Christian Philosophy by Steven R. Martins is an eye-opening introduction to a misunderstood and greatly ignored subject in 21st Century Christendom. The biblical gospel message is a holistic, not only eschatological and soteriological, kingdom-message for the exaltation of the glory of the King Jesus that must permeate every realm of our being, thoughts, and motives, as well as how we evaluate the world around us. This book will help the reader understand what a true Christian philosophy is, what a biblical worldview (or “world-and-life view”) is, and how they both relate to each other. Furthermore, Steven carefully breaks down the false dichotomy wrongly forged between theology and life that we have inherited from our Post-Enlightenment Western world. Upon completion, the careful reader should be able to re-evaluate not only what it means to be a Christian in God’s kingdom and to think from God’s kingdom mandates, but also how to evaluate the flawed reasoning of the unregenerate world systems around us, and finally lament and reject their influence in contemporary Christian thought.”

Joseph Owen
Answers in Genesis (LATAM)
Petersburg, Kentucky, USA

“All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are found in Christ (Col. 2:3). Therefore, Paul warned the Christians at Colossae about a type of philosophy based on human wisdom rather than Christ which could take them captive (Col. 2:8). When Christians try to build their philosophical system on supposedly “neutral” ground or anything other than Christ it is a foundation set on sinking sand. Steven R. Martins has here written a short booklet which helps the Christian understand what is a truly Christian and Biblical understanding of philosophy drawing from some of the finest Reformed and Presuppositional thinkers. In a day with many ideological threats such as postmodernism, cultural Marxism, naturalism, and compromised ‘Christian’ worldviews, there is a real need for intentional thinking and discipleship in this area. Though this is a little book, it is no lightweight reading. It contributes to equipping the reader with an understanding of categories of thought and foundations to build upon with a wealth of sources to continue one’s growth. Martins has managed to pack a lot into this little package for the deep-thinking Christian to ponder.”

Thaddeus Maharaj, B.F.A., M.TS
Founder and author at THEOTIVITY.COM,
Director of Media & Discipleship,
Hope Church Toronto West