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Evolution's Dangerous Ideas: Evolution's Dangerous Ideas: Eugenics, Lobotomies, Using X-Rays to Speed-Up Evolution, and Other Dangerous Ideas Inspired by Darwinism

By Jerry Bergman

ISBN: 978-1-990771576
Product Type: Book
Pages: 346
Publish Date: May 1, 2024
Topics: Evolution, History, Creation, Apologetics


This is the second book to support the fact that Darwinism has caused enormous harm in society. The first book covered how Darwinism fostered scientific racism. This book covers 17 of the most harmful ideas and hoaxes committed in the name of evolution, often concocted to support Darwinism. These few examples of the many available illustrate how Darwinism has misled scientists, researchers, and the general public. Most were birthed by Darwinism and several were a direct result of the Darwinian worldview indoctrination. Two were awarded the Nobel Prize, and several resulted in enormous harm to a large number of innocent people. Some caused financial harm, and a few caused harm to health. In some extreme cases death has resulted, such as among frontal-lobotomy patients. This book is the 12th volume written by Dr. Bergman documenting the harm to society caused by Darwinism. In short, it is beyond question that Darwinism has caused an enormous amount of harm to humanity.


Dr. Bergman taught biology, chemistry, and anatomy at Northwest State College in Archbold, Ohio and was an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Toledo Medical College. He has 9 earned degrees, including 5 graduate degrees and a Ph.D. from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. His over 1,800 publications are in both peer-reviewed scholarly and popular science journals. Dr. Bergman’s work has been translated into 13 languages including French, German, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Arabic, Polish, and Swedish. His books – as well as the books that include chapters he has authored – are in over 1,400 college and major public libraries in 26 countries. So far, over 80,000 copies of the 48 books and monographs that he has authored or co-authored are in print. He has spoken over 2,000 times to college, university, and church groups in America, Canada, Europe, Asia, and Africa. He has also been a guest on hundreds of radio and television shows.

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