Q&A: What need is there for more biblically reformed literature in Ibero-America?
Daniel J. Lobo talks about the need for more biblically reformed literature in Ibero-America.
Daniel J. Lobo talks about the need for more biblically reformed literature in Ibero-America.
Daniel J. Lobo explains why there is a need for gospel reformation in Ibero-America.
Paul presupposes that Christians are wise people, in contrast to the folly of the world, and as such, Christ-followers are to make the most of their time, discerning the will of God for their lives.
Historically, much has been written about apologetics, and on several occasions, advocates of the faith have relied on philosophical arguments rooted in pagan thought.
For the 7th Annual Christian-Muslim Symposium Event organized by Maple Community Church in partnership with the Ahmadiyyan Muslim community, Steven R. Martins and Asif Khan Mujahid discuss: Who is the True Prince of Peace: Jesus or Muhammad?
The church must pray for the healing and comfort of those afflicted, and for the protection of those not yet touched by the epidemic, as well as demonstrating sympathy with actions of charity and compassion as an important Christian virtue.
Daniel J. Lobo explains why there is a need for Christian education for children.
There is no conflict between science and the Bible. The idea of faith conflicting with science is a myth, an invention meant to polarize Christians from the unbelieving community.
The apostolic instruction in 1 Peter 3:15-16 is to revere Christ as Lord in our hearts, always being ready to provide an apologetic for what we believe, with gentleness and respect, that Christ might be glorified through our pattern of life.
Since the beginning of church history, Christians were called to give an apologia to anyone who might ask us why we believe what we believe. This biblical mandate is found in 1 Peter 3:15.