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Sociology of Law & its Philosophical Foundations

Even a first, provisional attempt to delimit the area of sociology of law from other “modal”- branches of sociology, such as sociology of ethics, of “religion”, of language, economics, art, etc., is inescapably confronted with a problem of legal philosophy.

The Analogical Concepts

Closer scrutiny teaches us that in the various branches of science there is no such thing as an unambiguous employment of these basic concepts.

The Theory of Man

In the development of Western thought, anthropological conceptions have been dominated by four religious ground‐motives, which have shaped the entire development of the West.

The Idea of Justice in Christian Perspective

Nowadays we are confronted, anew and in an insistent way, with demands for justice, by all kinds of political and social organizations, by ecclesiastical institutions and action groups. Where is justice? What is justice? Questions we must answer.

The Preservation of the Scriptures

How can we trust our Bibles when there has been so much time between now and when the authors wrote the originals? Hasn’t the text been corrupted over all those years?