Being Human in God’s World
From time immemorial human beings were perplexed by the mighty complexity of the world we live in.
From time immemorial human beings were perplexed by the mighty complexity of the world we live in.
Although our school system and school curriculums only refer to philosophy here and there, philosophy is actually the mother-science from which all other sciences originated – including the subjects given at school.
The study of Dooyeweerd is urgent for Reformed theology if it is to continue to do its work reformationally.
Wherever you turn, it’s the same story. Don’t drag religion into the lecture hall. Keep religion out of politics. Labor organizations are religiously neutral. Business and religion don’t mix. Etc.
Can one man trigger a chain-reaction that destroys (or builds) a civilization?
We live in a world that dishonors marriage, but the writer of Hebrews exhorts us to honor it. What does the latter mean?
As in most North American, academic settings, aesthetic theory maintains an uneasy existence somewhere in between epistemology and value theory in a philosophy department.
The study of modern philosophical systems and of the early Church Fathers influenced Roman Catholic thought more profoundly than anyone at first had suspected.
How are we to regard AI? Is AI unethical and/or dangerous? Can AI serve a noble, righteous end? Questions abound in this cultural fog.