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Hegel, Marcuse and the New Left

Most of us had never heard of Herbert Marcuse until the paperback edition of One-Dimensional Man (1964) reached the New Left Movement a few years ago. Since then he has been in the forefront of the debate concerning the foundation and direction of advanced industrial society. Who is he?

The Book of Ecclesiastes: A Time for Everything

In this study of the Book of Ecclesiastes, Rev. Steven R. Martins exposits the passage of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, where we see that there is a time and a season for everything under the sun, as instructed by the discernible voice of Lady Wisdom.

Hal Lindsey and Biblical Prophecy

I was once given a copy of Hal Lindsey’s book “The Late Great Planet Earth.” A request was made of me: Would I be willing to read carefully through this book, which had made such an impression on evangelicals in North America?

Church in Society

Becoming completely engrossed in the practicalities and immediacies of everyday life seems to be the unwritten law of this Now Generation (20th Century).

The Society of the Future

The Society of the Future is the first work to appear in English by H. van Riessen, a prominent member of a school of philosophy that has developed in the Netherlands, under the leadership of Herman Dooyeweerd.