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A Review of Andrew Sandlin’s “Failed Church”

Church 2022 looks significantly different from its recent past iterations, though even then signs of impending infection were not absent. Paul Aurich provides a review of the new book Failed Church by the Center for Cultural Leadership.

What is Apologetics? (2/2)

What is Apologetics? Far from what many perceive it as, it is not a discipline constrained to the evidential, factual, and historical, it extends well beyond that, proving to be all-encompassing in its scope.

What is Apologetics? (1/2)

What is apologetics? Whether you’re familiar with the term, somewhat acquainted with it, or altogether in the dark, apologetics is necessary to learn about and to continually review because of how vital it is to our Christian witness and living.

Herman Dooyeweerd: A Christian Philosopher (2/2)

After exploring the context, modern critique, and philosophical anthropology of Herman Dooyeweerd, Reichow discusses the Dooyeweerdian understanding of Western culture’s development, exploring the Christian philosophy of history and the concept of the religious ground-motives.

Reforming Our Worship

What can we learn from the reign of King Josiah? In what ways does our daily worship expression to God need to be reformed?