Reducing Reality to the Physical
Stephen Hawking believed that the universe could be understood through a single, unifying framework, and that framework, he believed, was the lens of physics.
Stephen Hawking believed that the universe could be understood through a single, unifying framework, and that framework, he believed, was the lens of physics.
Sometime in the past month, the Cántaro Institute managed to acquire a protestant literary treasure from a used antiquarian bookstore in Madrid, Spain.
What is it that agitates Nietzsche so deeply? He is a child of his time, and his time was the calm before the storm. He stands, in that calm, as the prophet of the coming century, our century.
As Christians called to engage the culture with a distinctly biblical apologetic, we need to be aware of that rampant ideology which has taken an iron-hold grip of our Western society.
Apologetics is not solely confined to first world countries and isolated centers of intellectualism, it can and ought to be employed everywhere.
What is a distinctly biblical worldview? What does it entail? Where should one begin in their study?
In these two-part lectures, Institute associate Josué Reichow explains the philosophical origins of critical theory, providing an analysis, notably in the works of the Frankfurt School in the early 20th century.