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Christ and Government

One of the questions in discussion among us, and one which cries out for an answer is the following: Is the government only subject to God Almighty, the Triune God, the Creator of heaven and earth, or should it also know itself to be subject to Christ, as the King who has been crowned by God?

Orthodoxy and Orthopraxis

With the exception of the first introductory essay on polarization, the essays in this volume were presented at a conference on “Orthodoxy and Orthopraxis,” held at Redeemer College, Hamilton, Ontario on May 30-June 1, 1985.

Christian and Reformed Today

All Christians have an obligation to re-examine and on occasion to restate even their most fundamental and cherished convictions. Scripture itself demands such re-evaluation (and restatement) and the world’s pressure makes it inevitable.

Calvin & Common Grace

The Christian conviction of the absoluteness of the Christianity has entered so deeply into the consciousness of the Church that the whole history of Christian doctrine may be viewed as one great struggle for upholding it over against all sorts of opposition and denial.

Christological Movements in the 19th Century

All the developments of the doctrine of Christ take their start from and move within the limits of the Chalcedonian Symbol, but very many Christians have been unable to find contentment in this formulary.

The Presbyterian and Reformed Review No. 10, April 1892

Dutch theology during the present century has been subject to various influences. Its character has been molded in turn not only by Calvinism, which has always continued to live among the people, but also by the Swiss Reveil; both by the German Vermittelungstheologie and by Greek philosophy.

Is the Bible a Jigsaw Puzzle?

How are we to read the book of Revelation? What does the Bible say about the future of Israel? Are we to await a millennial kingdom or thousand year reign of Christ? Answering these questions will at the same time show us how to respond to Lindsey’s writings.

Biography: Johana of Nigeria

The writer of this book became rather intimately acquainted with its heroine, Miss Johanna Veenstra, in the capacity of Director of Missions of her and his denomination. As such he traveled with her considerably, addressing various meetings of the Women’s Missionary Unions of the Christian Reformed Church.

Christ and Christianity

As has often been remarked, there is between Christianity and all other religions one prominent characteristic and real difference. Christ is, as it were, Christianity. He is the living Lord who now sitteth at the right hand of God and continues the work of redemption through His Word and Spirit. No other religion can compare.