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The Coming of the Kingdom

This book, also first published in the Dutch language approximately a decade ago, has remained a solid contribution of permanent significance to the fascinating subject of the kingdom of God.

First the Jew But Also the Greek

When in the first century AD the Gospel of God’s Kingdom was preached to the nations of Western Europe, it met with opposition on all sides.

Modern Thinkers: Barth

For two years after the completion of his academic studies Karl Barth was the assistant of Martin Rade, the director of the well-known periodical, The Christian World, and his short career as a journalist undoubtedly affected the formulation of his later theology.

The Word of God and Science

The problem of the relation of the Bible to science is of fundamental importance for any group of Christians who engage in theoretical work. At the same time this customary formulation of the question, the relation of the Bible to science, is inadequate and requires expansion.

The Reality of Social Structures

The question for this paper is the status and nature of the structural entities which everyone experiences in his life; family, state, marriage, institutional church, business, labor union, etc.