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The Book of Ecclesiastes: The Literary Introduction

In this study of the Book of Ecclesiastes, Steven R. Martins deconstructs and exposits the literary “Introduction” of the book, the passage of Ecclesiastes 1:12-18, where the voices of the Qohelet (Compiler) and the young rabbi (teacher) apprentices are introduced.

The Book of Ecclesiastes: The Preface

In this study of the Book of Ecclesiastes, Rev. Steven R. Martins deconstructs and exposits what some call “The Preface” of the book, the passage of Ecclesiastes 1:1-11, which introduces its literary thesis: All of life is “Vanity” (Hevel).

Apologetics and the Early Church with Wesley Huff

What were the top five moments of apologetic history in the early church according to Wesley Huff of Apologetics Canada? Institute founder Steven R. Martins sits down with Wesley to go over these historical moments and what we can learn for our own apologetic today.

Why Christian Education? with Ryan Eras

Why Christian education? With secular educational institutions across the country, why do we need to set that aside and not even consider that as an option for the education of our children?