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Simón Bolívar & the True Liberator

As Western culture continues its march towards an abandonment of biblical authority, and an embrace of religious humanism, many have sought for a different origin for the principles that bind our societies together.

The Spanish Reformation: An Untold Story

In the 1923 publication of the Enciclopedia Universal Ilustrada, the reformation in Spain was dismissed as non-existent. However, the reformation of God’s Spanish-speaking church has in fact never come to an end.

The Faith of Pierre Viret

Pierre Viret’s vision, as derived from his Christian Instruction and faithful to the spirit of the Reformation, was to recover biblical foundations for our time.

Should Christians Homeschool?

The question as to whether Christian parents should homeschool their children is becoming more prominent with the latest developments in North America’s education system.

Making Sense of Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality technology is positioning itself as the next frontier in technology, across a range of industries. How do we understand this technology as a cultural product, with its attendant risks and advantages?