Reducing Reality to the Physical
Stephen Hawking believed that the universe could be understood through a single, unifying framework, and that framework, he believed, was the lens of physics.
Stephen Hawking believed that the universe could be understood through a single, unifying framework, and that framework, he believed, was the lens of physics.
Sometime in the past month, the Cántaro Institute managed to acquire a protestant literary treasure from a used antiquarian bookstore in Madrid, Spain.
As Christians called to engage the culture with a distinctly biblical apologetic, we need to be aware of that rampant ideology which has taken an iron-hold grip of our Western society.
Apologetics is not solely confined to first world countries and isolated centers of intellectualism, it can and ought to be employed everywhere.
What is a distinctly biblical worldview? What does it entail? Where should one begin in their study?
In this episode of Life & Worldview, Steven R. Martins breaks down Romans 12:2.