Document: Cornelius Van Til, A Letter to Francis Schaeffer (unpublished, 1969).
Excerpt: You remember that some time ago I sent you a copy of a memorandum that I wrote on your Wheaton Lectures. Now that your book The God Who Is There appeared I should like to make some further remarks. Let me preface what I say, by repeating what I said in the memorandum, that I have the greatest admiration for you personally and for your work at L‘Abri. Those who have been with you there speak in the most glowing terms about what you accomplish with modern intellectuals.
Let me, to begin with, stress the fact that I think we both have essentially the same goal before us in our work. We are seeking to have modern man, in particular modern educated young men and women, accept Jesus Christ as he speaks to us with absolute and infallible authority in the original languages of the Old and New Testament as the Savior and Lord.
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