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Hegel, Marcuse and the New Left

Courtesy of the Hultink Family Foundation, the Cántaro Institute is now the new home for the Reformational Digital Library (formerly known as the Reformational Publishing Project). All rights reserved.

Document: Bernard Zylstra, Hegel, Marcuse and the New Left (Toronto, ON.: Institute for Christian Studies, 1969).

Excerpt: Most of us had never heard of Herbert Marcuse until the paperback edition of One-Dimensional Man (1964) reached the New Left Movement a few years ago. Since then he has been in the forefront of the debate concerning the foundation and direction of advanced industrial society. Who is he? Marcuse has lived the life of a scholar, not that of the angry anarchist with hand-grenades in his belt. His life embodies the rule of human history: ideas precede action. Commitment to central, integral views about the nature of man and society is a requisite for social change, for meaningful social change. He was born just before that great nineteenth-century gave-way to an even greater era in the history of human civilization: our era, in Which the battle for direction of men’s allegiances is no longer national but global. He was born in Berlin: the center of Prussian autocratic regimes, the citadel of Bismarck, the civitas terrena where world wars were planned, executed and – thank God – lost.

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Hegel, Marcuse and the New Left – B. Zylstra.pdf